Gender roles: girls and boys

Anti-LGBT excuses

Many homophobic/transphobic people use excuses to excuse their hatred towards others. Some of them have made me think "That's true", but still haven't convinced me in any way that LGBTs are somehow bad, and other excuses are just silly or not well thought over. Here are a list of the ones I dislike the most:
- AIDS: Urghh. OK, lots of homosexuals have AIDS, but that isn't really our fault. It's because, since some people don't accept us, we don't have the correct media and ways to explain to others in our community how to be safe. Of course we have the Internet, but you can't really trust it and it can't transmit properly the information. Plus, there are heteros that also have AIDS, and nobody says anything about who they are or aren't with.
- It's just wrong: Please try and tell me why.
- Why don't homosexuals just get a sex change? : That isn't really an excuse, but it shows the ignorance or some people. Gender and sexual orientation are not the same thing.
- Adam and Eve were male and female: Of course, there wasn't any other way they could reproduce themselves otherwise. But how do you know that Eve's first partner wasn't a girl (If we take the fact that Eve was a monkey and therefore there were many more of the species, just not with the same intelligence, and didn't come from a shell along with Adam, as they say)? Even if that isn't the case, just because some people are heterosexuals, it doesn't mean everyone is. They were straight and that's it, their son may have been bi and a few more down the line maybe there was a trans*...
- It's unnatural: No, it isn't. It has been proven that other animals also show homosexual behaviour. If you want proof, go and look for it on the Wikipedia.
- Girls have to be feminine, boys masculine: Why? Who says so? What does it mean to be a girl or a boy, anyway? How do you know if a person is being masculine or feminine? The stereotypes are just that, models people have created. They mustn't control us in any way, they were just someone's ideals of female and male.
- It shouldn't be accepted because homosexuals don't have children: That's another common excuse against gay marriage. There are many heterosexual people who don't have children. Either way, there are also lots of kids with no families or home that can be adopted. Plus, there are way too many people in the world; we really don't have to worry about having or not having decendents.
- It's perverted: In what way? Homosexuals have the same thoughts as heterosexual people do, just towards people from a different gender.
-It's dangerous: I really don't see how the fact that two people love each other and want to be together can be dangerous, unless someone else makes it that way.

Anyway, I could go on forever, but I'll just leave it here.

How discovering I was trans* made me realize I wasn't straight

When I discovered I was genderqueer, I started making a big deal when people asked me if I was a girl or a boy (I still do). I complained about why it was so important to know someone's biological sex or gender. I wished people would base their opinions on me because of my personality and not because I was raised as a female-bodied person. If the love of my life, who I think is a guy, turned out to be a girl, I'm sure I'd still love her. So why does it matter? I was expecting other people to think this way, but I myself didn't follow my advice. I realised this and started ignoring gender as much as I could. Then I figured that it’s not about being gender-blind, but to accept all genders and not judge people on that. And that’s why I became to feel attraction to people independently of their gender. So I guess I’m pansexual, then.

Photo of the week

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen

It must have been hard to be trans* in the old times. Now at least people don't say anything about the fact that biological girls wear pants or that boys have long hair (usually), but before everything was so much more strict. The other day I re-watched Jane Austen and similar series I have at home and realized how I would have to be if I had lived in those times. As in, something like this:

      Ok, maybe not that posh...

I don’t know how I could stand being so useless and feeling so girly; not being able to run around and roll in the mud with my cousin, every time I stand up from the table, all the guys would have to stand up too. I’d actually have to brush my hair into some bun at the back where all the curls come out (I seriously don’t know how they do that).

I’d take a long time to get dressed in the morning and I’d have to look after my manners all day. Not that I’m rude or anything, but the ladies those days were excessively polite.

On the good side though, I do love the dresses, just not for myself, so it would be ‘wow’ to see everyone dressed like that on a daily life. Sigh, who can resist such pretty faces in such nice clothes?

And the suits? I also love horse-riding and hunting clothes, and there seems to be a lot of that in the movies…

                                       The cool clothes ---->

The stone from the garden facing a rocky road

"A good-sized stone, that was glistening, washed by the rain, was in a high place, surrounded by colorful flowers, on the edge of a garden facing a rocky road. After looking for a long time at the stones of the rocky road, it felt a desire to let itself drop between them.
"What am I doing here, among the plants?" it asked. "I should be down there with my classmates"
So it rolled to the bottom of the embankment and joined the others. But the wheels of the carts, the hooves of the horses and the feet of the children running about soon reduced it to state of constant sorrow. All passed over it or hit it. Sometimes, when it was full of mud or animal droppings, it looked up a little - in vain - to the place it had left: the place of solitude and placid happiness.
That is what happens to anyone who decides to leave solitary and contemplative life, just to join people of infinite perversity."
Códice Atlanticus, Leonardo da Vinci